Consulenza Tecnica e Finanziaria

Energy Audit

Energy audit is one of the most required service for a simple reason: saving money makes the business more profitable. The Team supports the Customers in finding the most adequate solutions to boost the efficiency of their installations minimizing the consumption of the used energetic sources (i.e. gas, electric energy, …). The energy audit service outlines the complete picture of the Customers energy consumption and is the basis for the definition and implementation of a set of solutions among which the Customers can choose the most proper to invest in.


  • On-site investigation of energy consumptions (type of loads, hours/day, hours/year, …)
  • Bills analysis to identify tariffs per hours, active & reactive power available
  • Round table with the Owner & Responsible of Maintenance professional to investigate logbook investment already planned, actions already done and potential future expansion or contraction of processes
  • Complete Audit Report of the investment status, actions suggested and completed with a cost/benefit analysis

Energy Efficiency Projects

Our technology experts continuously invest in their sector knowledge with the state-of-the-art solutions in the field of energy efficiency.
The Team has performed projects with high level of saving, often using “low-cost” plug & play solutions.
The Team track record covers all the electric sectors of the industrial loads:

Efficient lighting:

We are able to design not only LED solutions, but also solutions based on other technologies that better fit the characteristics of the Customers’ needs.

Air Treatment & Conditioning:

In a world characterized by plenty of solutions for heating and/or cooling, we state that nothing can be 100% standardized. Any installation needs a proper and tailored design.

High Efficiency Engines:

In many cases and especially for large size engines, the change of the old with a new high-efficiency one is a solution to save money.

Inverter Driving:

Ventilation systems & compressors are the typical industrial applications on which the application of an inverter modulated driving instead of a on-off automation can save Clients’ money and can extend the load lifetime.

Reactive energy correction:

Even if this tech solution has been introduced more than 50 years ago, we have found a lot Companies, on one side continue to pay penalties for reactive energy consumption, on the other  don’t use this simple and not expensive solution with often less than 1 year pay-back.

Consumption Monitoring:

Knowledge as the first action for savings. We have to know where, when and how much are your point-by-point consumption to design any actions for saving money. We are available to monitor your consumptions with plug&play solutions with remote and independent data access.

Ingegneria Fotovoltaico


FV: Pacchetto Aumento Produzione

Analizziamo nel dettaglio il tuo impianto fotovoltaico, troviamo quegli interventi che aumentano la tua produzione elettrica, ne valutiamo costi/benefici, li progettiamo e valutiamo e garantiamo nel tempo i risultati.

FV: Allerta “Bave di lumaca”!

Il fenomeno delle “bave di lumaca” sui pannelli fotovoltaici si presenta sempre più frequentemente ed è causa di forte degrado delle prestazioni e perdita di ricavi. Causa o arbitrato con il Costruttore o l’EPC contractor necessita molta esperienza sia tecnica che di approccio strategico: il Team ha acquisito una concreta esperienza di successo ed è pronto al fianco del Cliente per far valere i suoi diritti.

Wind e FV: intermediazione e consulenza in operazioni di M&A

Dopo la fine dell’area degli incentivi, si è attivato in Italia ed all’estero un mercato secondario di aggregazione di asset in continua crescita. Abbiamo oramai una grande esperienza nel far incontrare le necessità delle controparti di acquisto e vendita. Seguiamo i nostri Clienti sia nella preparazione della documentazione che nell’organizzazione degli incontri tra le Parti.

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Our Office

Piazza Della Marina 2/8 –
65126 Pescara (PE)


From Monday to Friday
9:00 am - 1:00pm / 2:00pm - 6:30pm